Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Feild day

Today was field day and I loved it. I t was the best day of school ever! We had lots of games and my favorite one was fill the bucket.Fill the bucket is where you had two buckets and a cup with holes in it and you tried to fill the cup and gat as much water in it as you can. I held it over my head, and at the end I got soaked!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My new cat

I got a new cat and he sheds EVERY WERE. he is black and has lost some hair on his head.  He is a inside cat and loves to sleep. he is really cute.


my sister made a little poem it goes like this
Coca Cola went to town,
Pepsi Cola shot him down,
Dr.Pepper fixed him up,
now where drinking 7up,
7up went up the mountain,
now where drinken’ Cherry Fountain,
Cherry Fountain had a stroke,
so now we’re back to drinking Coke!!!! I really like it.